COLUCCIA, Emanuele
COLUCCIA, Emanuele
Scienze formative, psicologiche e della comunicazione
Assessing age differences in spatial orientation tasks following map study
2004-01-01 Bosco, A; Coluccia, Emanuele
Autobiographical and event memories for surprising and unsurprising events
2010-01-01 Bianco, C; Brandimonte, Maria; Coluccia, Emanuele
2016-01-01 Gamboz, N; Coluccia, Emanuele; Drammis, Ml; Neroni, Ma; Brandimonte, Ma; Cori, L; Bianchi, F; Manzoli, F
Dissociating veridicality, consistency, and confidence in autobiographical and event memories for the Columbia shuttle disaster
2006-01-01 Bianco, C.; Brandimonte, Maria; Coluccia, Emanuele
2013-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele; Gamboz, N; Brandimonte, Ma
Egocentric, esocentric, and allocentric spatial representations in congenital total blindness
2009-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele; Mammarella, I C; Cornoldi, C
Flash-Bulb Memories, Event memories e ricordi episodici comuni: un’analisi delle misure di vividness e fiducia
2008-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele; Bianco, C; Brandimonte, Maria
Flashbulb memories, event memories ed eventi episodici comuni: un'analisi delle misure di vividness e fiducia
2008-01-01 Coluccia, E; Bianco, C; Brandimonte, Maria
Gender Differences in Environmental Learning
2010-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele
Gender differences in spatial orientation: A review
2004-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele; Iosue, G
Il ruolo della memoria di lavoro visuo-spaziale nell'orientamento geografico: uno studio correlazionale
2004-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele; Martello, A
Learning from maps: The role of Visuo-Spatial Working Memory
2008-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele
Legame di attaccamento e ansia da separazione
2008-01-01 Bisogni, M. M.; Brizzi, C; Cardinali, L; Coluccia, Emanuele
Mnemotecniche a confronto. Valutazione dell'efficacia su una lista di parole
2024-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele; Santoro, Alessandra
Normative data for a battery of Free Recall, Cued Recall and Recognition Tests in the elderly Italian population
2011-01-01 Gamboz, Nadia; Coluccia, Emanuele; Brandimonte, Maria
Normative data for the Pyramids and Palm Trees in the elderly Italian population.
2009-01-01 Gamboz, N.; Coluccia, E.; Brandimonte, Maria
Normative data for the Pyramids and Palm Trees Test in the elderly Italian population
2009-01-01 Gamboz, Nadia; Iavarone, A; Brandimonte, M. A.; Coluccia, Emanuele
Parto e vissuto emotivo: l’insorgere della relazione madre bambino
2004-01-01 Bisogni, M. M.; Petruccioli, L; Coluccia, Emanuele; Cester, I
Remembering object position in absence of vision: Egocentric, Allocentric and Egocentric Decentred frames of reference
2007-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele; Mammarella, I C; DE BENI, R; Ittyerah, M; Cornoldi, C
The relationship between map drawing and spatial orientation abilities: New findings from a study on gender differences
2007-01-01 Coluccia, Emanuele; Iosue, G; Brandimonte, Maria