From the goddess Athena to the goddess Syria a long red thread binds, mythically and historically, virginity and the foundation of the polis. Female figures sui generis due to their aversion to marriage, which becomes the political manifesto of a social role and of a symbolic function, both eminently civic. Where the family reproduction is largely overcome by the generation of an entire population. They are mythical founders of public spaces and, at the same time, of autochthonies. Totemic logos that even after centuries continue to play a social and anthropological role. This is the case of the siren Parthenope, eponymous goddess of Naples, as well as its Christian transfiguration incarnate by Virgin Patricia, co-patron saint of the city. Myth and hagiography are analyzed here as dense narratives, ethnographic lands, thick descriptions according to the Clifford Geertz’s definition. Palimpsests of identity that bear the signs of a ceaseless rewriting of the origin of the polis.
Da Atena alla dea Syria un lungo filo rosso lega miticamente e storicamente la verginità e la fondazione della polis. Figure femminili sui generis a causa di un'avversione al matrimonio che diventa manifesto politico di un ruolo sociale e di una funzione simbolica eminentemente civici. Dove la riproduzione familiare viene largamente superata dalla generazione di un intero popolo. Fondatrici mitiche di spazi pubblici e nel contempo di autoctonie. Loghi totemici che anche a distanza di secoli continuano ad avere una funzione sociale e antropologica. Come nel caso della sirena Partenope, nume eponimo di Napoli, nonché della sua trasfigurazione cristiana incarnata dalla vergine Patrizia, compatrona della città. Mito e agiografia vengono qui analizzate come narrazioni dense, terreni etnografici, thick descriptions secondo la lectio di Clifford Geertz. Palinsesti identitari che recano i segni di un'incessante riscrittura dell'origine della polis.
Donne sui generis. La sirena e la Polis
MORO, Elisabetta
From the goddess Athena to the goddess Syria a long red thread binds, mythically and historically, virginity and the foundation of the polis. Female figures sui generis due to their aversion to marriage, which becomes the political manifesto of a social role and of a symbolic function, both eminently civic. Where the family reproduction is largely overcome by the generation of an entire population. They are mythical founders of public spaces and, at the same time, of autochthonies. Totemic logos that even after centuries continue to play a social and anthropological role. This is the case of the siren Parthenope, eponymous goddess of Naples, as well as its Christian transfiguration incarnate by Virgin Patricia, co-patron saint of the city. Myth and hagiography are analyzed here as dense narratives, ethnographic lands, thick descriptions according to the Clifford Geertz’s definition. Palimpsests of identity that bear the signs of a ceaseless rewriting of the origin of the polis.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.