Starting from the notion of learnification (crafted by Gert Biesta), understood as the prevalence of the language of learning over that of education within the educa-tional discourse of the last three decades, it is argued that such an emphasis on learning has been one of the reasons for the hegemony of the constructivist para-digm in educational practices. Against this backdrop, the present paper endeavours to identify a possible horizon of a re-thinking of constructivism thanks to a recov-ery of the idea of paideía, in the peculiar meaning provided by Heidegger. By con-trasting the Heideggerian reflection on education (marked by a privilege granted to original intentionality, to the link between alétheia and paideía, and to a specific in-terpretation of Verstehen) and the educational proposal of von Glasersfeld (of which solipsistic risks and a solidarity with the mathematical project of modernity are highlighted), this paper portrays the profile of a ‘pragmatic paideía’ which can allow us to overcome some excesses of constructivism as well as to situate in a right perspective the recent appeals to ‘reality’ occurring in the international theo-retical debate.
Prendendo le mosse dalla nozione di learnification, intesa, con Gert Biesta, come la prevalenza del linguaggio dell’apprendimento su quello dell’educazione nel discor-so pedagogico dell’ultimo trentennio, l’articolo argomenta che tale enfasi sull’apprendimento sia stato uno dei motivi dell’egemonia del paradigma costrutti-vista nelle pratiche educative e mira a individuare un orizzonte possibile di ripen-samento del costruttivismo alla luce di un recupero dell’idea di paideía, nella decli-nazione particolare a essa conferita da Heidegger. Proprio da un confronto fra la riflessione sull’educazione di Heidegger (con il privilegiamento della intenzionalità originaria, del nesso alétheia-paideía, di una specifica interpretazione del Verstehen) e la proposta pedagogica di von Glasersfeld (di cui si palesano i rischi solipsistici e la solidarietà col progetto matematico della modernità), l’articolo disegna il profilo di una ‘paideía pragmatica’ che consenta tanto di superare alcune oltranze del costrut-tivismo quanto di collocare in una giusta prospettiva i recenti richiami ‘alla realtà’ presenti nel dibattito teorico internazionale.
La deriva della ‘learnification’ e l’appello della paideía Oltre ’apprendimento ‘matematico’ e costruttivista
CORBI, Enricomaria;
Starting from the notion of learnification (crafted by Gert Biesta), understood as the prevalence of the language of learning over that of education within the educa-tional discourse of the last three decades, it is argued that such an emphasis on learning has been one of the reasons for the hegemony of the constructivist para-digm in educational practices. Against this backdrop, the present paper endeavours to identify a possible horizon of a re-thinking of constructivism thanks to a recov-ery of the idea of paideía, in the peculiar meaning provided by Heidegger. By con-trasting the Heideggerian reflection on education (marked by a privilege granted to original intentionality, to the link between alétheia and paideía, and to a specific in-terpretation of Verstehen) and the educational proposal of von Glasersfeld (of which solipsistic risks and a solidarity with the mathematical project of modernity are highlighted), this paper portrays the profile of a ‘pragmatic paideía’ which can allow us to overcome some excesses of constructivism as well as to situate in a right perspective the recent appeals to ‘reality’ occurring in the international theo-retical debate.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.