Filippo Meda was one of the prominent figures among Catholic politicians and thinkers. He was one of the first Catholic elected in Parliament and he was the first among them who became part of the Government, as Minister of Economic Affairs. His view on rising Fascism was controversial. In 1927 he wrote for a famous review an essay on Machiavellism, in which he shows his opinion on Machiavelli and his interpreters and he criticizes Mussolini´s idea of the State. This is an important contribution that helps to understand Catholic position on politics and ethics in a delicate moment of italian history.
Nel saggio si ricostruisce il pensiero politico ed il profilo istituzionale di Filippo Meda. Giornalista, Avvocato, militante cattolico dei primi del Novecento, egli fu una delle piu` eminenti figure del cattolicesimo italiano, incline a cercare una conciliazione fra lo Stato liberale e la Chiesa, per superare il non expedit. Meda fu tra i primi cattolici ad essere eletti in Parlamento e fu il primo Ministro cattolico in un governo liberale. La sua posizione nei confronti dell´avvento del fascismo fu poco chiara, ma con la svolta dittatoriale di Mussolini, egli prese posizioni di netta contrarieta´. Qui si esamina un saggio pubblicato da Meda nel 1927 dedicato al Machiavellismo, in cui egli chiarisce la sua avversita´ al regime oltre che elaborare un giudizio politico e storiografico sul pensiero del grande Segretario Fiorentino.
Brevi note sul Machiavellismo di Filippo Meda
RUSSO, Francesca
Filippo Meda was one of the prominent figures among Catholic politicians and thinkers. He was one of the first Catholic elected in Parliament and he was the first among them who became part of the Government, as Minister of Economic Affairs. His view on rising Fascism was controversial. In 1927 he wrote for a famous review an essay on Machiavellism, in which he shows his opinion on Machiavelli and his interpreters and he criticizes Mussolini´s idea of the State. This is an important contribution that helps to understand Catholic position on politics and ethics in a delicate moment of italian history.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.