The social history of inclusion is a tale written around the concession, claim, conquestand transformation of denied physical and relational spaces. From a pedagogical-didacticand legislative point of view, we can read in the same way the history of Italian scholasticinclusion, that today challenges us with the duty of constantly rethinking the forms ofinclusive education that aim to identify specific answers, in common spaces, to a widevariety of educational needs. In order to avoid the homogenizing tension induced by thetendency to simplify to categorize differences, the space needs to be thought of in termsof its intimate connection with the time in which the educational event takes place. Tothis end, using of the notion of “chronotope”, borrowed from Bakhtin’s studies on thenovel and adapted to the reflection on teaching-learning processes, this paper aims toidentify which chronotopes can best accommodate an inclusive demand. In particular,the paper will argue that the chronotope, set against the backdrop of the Bakhtiniandialogical approach, could represent a way to overcome an additive vision of spaces, infavour of a relational and transformative one.
La storia sociale dell’inclusione è storia che si gioca intorno alla concessione,rivendicazione, conquista e trasformazione di spazi – fisici e relazionali – negati. Così puòessere letta, da un punto di vista pedagogico-didattico e legislativo, anche la storiadell’inclusione scolastica italiana e che oggi ci consegna la sfida di ripensarecostantemente le forme dell’educazione inclusiva volte a individuare risposte specifiche,in spazi comuni, a un’ampia varietà di bisogni educativi. Per sfuggire alla tensioneomogeneizzante a cui spesso conduce la tendenza semplificatoria della categorizzazionedelle differenze, lo spazio necessita di essere pensato nella sua intima connessione con iltempo in cui si realizza l’evento educativo. A tal fine, sulla scorta della nozione di“cronotopo”, mutuata dagli studi di Bachtin sul romanzo e adattata alla riflessionesull’insegnamento-apprendimento, il contributo mira a identificare quali cronotopimeglio possono accogliere un’istanza inclusiva. In particolare si argomenterà che ilcronotopo, sullo sfondo dell’approccio dialogico bachtiniano, potrebbe rappresentare unsupporto per il superamento di una visione additiva degli spazi a favore di una visionerelazionale e trasformativa degli stessi.
Cronotopi dell'educazione inclusiva
Manno D
The social history of inclusion is a tale written around the concession, claim, conquestand transformation of denied physical and relational spaces. From a pedagogical-didacticand legislative point of view, we can read in the same way the history of Italian scholasticinclusion, that today challenges us with the duty of constantly rethinking the forms ofinclusive education that aim to identify specific answers, in common spaces, to a widevariety of educational needs. In order to avoid the homogenizing tension induced by thetendency to simplify to categorize differences, the space needs to be thought of in termsof its intimate connection with the time in which the educational event takes place. Tothis end, using of the notion of “chronotope”, borrowed from Bakhtin’s studies on thenovel and adapted to the reflection on teaching-learning processes, this paper aims toidentify which chronotopes can best accommodate an inclusive demand. In particular,the paper will argue that the chronotope, set against the backdrop of the Bakhtiniandialogical approach, could represent a way to overcome an additive vision of spaces, infavour of a relational and transformative one.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.