These two images, the court case of Toulouse and the party of tolerance Hague, although so far apart in time, highlight the need for tolerance in the XXI century for us that we could call ourselves "heirs of Voltaire": Despite the many emanations of cards rights of the present century opened, bringing back into vogue the issue of tolerance. On what topics you can leverage to resubmit the political consciousness and that of the individual? In the case of religious tolerance issue is complicated because of the need to deal with two essential questions. The first is that because of their proven principles that inspired the great religions can not be questioned, then everyone is in a sense, the depositary and custodian of the truth that, defying the odds, continues through the centuries, the second, even if not all, is the character inspired by the Gospel warning of proselytizing compelle intrare: spread the true religion and bring light where darkness reigns. That said in support of tolerance occur three topics examined by Veca. Tolerance occurs in the first argument as a rational solution, as a calculation of costs and benefits, where the costs of intolerance are evaluated as superior to those of tolerance. This argument is also known as Prudential, the second argument is the epistemological one, based on the fallibilist thesis, the last argument is the moral context which is not what the constitutional framework and the institutional, social or political, but the interpersonal relationships involving between ourselves and others as persons. The scenario is one that is opened is the uncertainty, but meant as a bet, a bet ethics, a bet on our regeneration. Seneca said, "Only one thing can make us calm, the pact to be mutually indulgent" and Voltaire: "What is tolerance? It is the prerogative of humanity. We are all mixed weaknesses and errors: forgive each other our nonsense is the first law of nature. "
Queste due immagini, il caso giudiziario di Tolosa e la festa della tolleranza dell’Aia, anche se così distanti nel tempo, evidenziano la necessità della tolleranza nel XXI secolo per noi che potremmo definirci «eredi di Voltaire»: nonostante le molteplici emanazioni di carte dei diritti il secolo attuale si è aperto portando nuovamente in auge la questione della tolleranza. Su quali argomenti si può far leva per riproporla alla coscienza politica e a quella del singolo? Nel caso della tolleranza religiosa la questione si complica in quanto occorre fare i conti con due questioni essenziali. La prima riguarda il fatto che per il loro carattere rivelato i principi a cui si ispirano le grandi religioni non possono essere messi in discussione, ognuno quindi è depositario e in un certo senso custode della verità che, sfidando le avversità, permane nei secoli; la seconda, anche se non per tutte, è il carattere proselitistico ispirato al monito evangelico del compelle intrare: diffondere il vero credo e portare la luce dove regnano le tenebre. Detto questo a sostegno della tolleranza ricorrono tre argomenti presi in esame da Veca. Nel primo argomento la tolleranza insorge come soluzione razionale, come calcolo tra costi e benefici, laddove i costi della intolleranza sono valutati come superiori a quelli della tolleranza. Tale argomento è detto anche prudenziale; il secondo argomento è quello epistemologico, fondato sulla tesi fallibilista; l’ultimo argomento è quello morale il cui contesto non è quello della cornice costituzionale e istituzionale, o politico-sociale, bensì dei rapporti interpersonali che coinvolgono relazioni fra noi e gli altri in quanto persone. Lo scenario che ci si apre è si quello dell’incertezza, ma intesa come scommessa, una scommessa etica, una scommessa sulla nostra rigenerazione. Seneca diceva «Una sola cosa può renderci tranquilli, il patto di essere reciprocamente indulgenti» e Voltaire: «Che cos’è la tolleranza? È l’appannaggio dell’umanità. Siamo tutti impastati di debolezze e di errori: perdoniamoci reciprocamente le nostre sciocchezze è la prima legge di natura».
Per una cultura della tolleranza
These two images, the court case of Toulouse and the party of tolerance Hague, although so far apart in time, highlight the need for tolerance in the XXI century for us that we could call ourselves "heirs of Voltaire": Despite the many emanations of cards rights of the present century opened, bringing back into vogue the issue of tolerance. On what topics you can leverage to resubmit the political consciousness and that of the individual? In the case of religious tolerance issue is complicated because of the need to deal with two essential questions. The first is that because of their proven principles that inspired the great religions can not be questioned, then everyone is in a sense, the depositary and custodian of the truth that, defying the odds, continues through the centuries, the second, even if not all, is the character inspired by the Gospel warning of proselytizing compelle intrare: spread the true religion and bring light where darkness reigns. That said in support of tolerance occur three topics examined by Veca. Tolerance occurs in the first argument as a rational solution, as a calculation of costs and benefits, where the costs of intolerance are evaluated as superior to those of tolerance. This argument is also known as Prudential, the second argument is the epistemological one, based on the fallibilist thesis, the last argument is the moral context which is not what the constitutional framework and the institutional, social or political, but the interpersonal relationships involving between ourselves and others as persons. The scenario is one that is opened is the uncertainty, but meant as a bet, a bet ethics, a bet on our regeneration. Seneca said, "Only one thing can make us calm, the pact to be mutually indulgent" and Voltaire: "What is tolerance? It is the prerogative of humanity. We are all mixed weaknesses and errors: forgive each other our nonsense is the first law of nature. "I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.