The analysis concerning the origins of the Southern gap, without forgetting the significant differences within the opinions on its causes, allowed to clarify that the “Southern question”, i.e. the chronic inequality in the development of Italy’s two halves, became systematic after the Unification and during the industrial development of the country. The arrear plaguing Southern regions was not due, in fact, only to their general inferiority when compared with the rest of Italy, but also to the structural gap between Northern and Southern Italy, which became all the more significant as the country improved and updated its productive means, sporting a dual mode of development. However, during a century and a half, the society and economy of Southern Italy have undergone evident transformations. These changes were not backed by an evolution of Southern Italy’s situation as the one carrying itself out in the Northern half of the country. The whole history of united Italy featured a divergence between the two macroareas of Italy, which experienced a meaningful rapprochement and an effective bridging of their gap only during the golden age. The more recent events gave back to Southern Italy, now bereft of extraordinary interventions as well, its inequality gap, leading it away from the goal of convergence. Therefore, the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno has been the main tool for the development of Southern Italy, especially when taking into consideration the whole range of its activities, operating effectively during the years of the “economic miracle”. With the end of the extraordinary interventions, the “Southern question”, until then tackled as an important, nationwide theme, was replaced by a fragmented vision for Southern Italy, lacking strategic ideas for this area and its main issues. During the latter years, a new obstacle emerged in the form of a “Northern question”, born of the need for an effective revival of economic initiative by productive categories in Northern Italy. Such a move triggered a shift to new policies, whose outcomes could not compare with the more productive period of the Cassa and effectively brought the Italian economic dualism to the fore again.
L'analisi sulle origini del divario meridionale, pur considerando le notevoli differenze di vedute sulle sue cause, ha permesso di chiarire che la "questione meridionale", intesa come cronica disparità nello sviluppo delle due parti del Paese, si è fatta sistemica dopo l’unificazione e nel corso dell’evoluzione industriale dell’Italia. Il distacco delle regioni meridionali, infatti, non era dovuto solo all’esistenza di condizioni generali di inferiorità rispetto al resto dell'Italia, ma al divario strutturale tra il Nord e il Sud, che è diventato sempre più intenso quanto più il Paese si modernizzava dal punto di vista produttivo, con una modalità di sviluppo di tipo dualistico. Tuttavia, nel corso di un secolo e mezzo, sono innegabili le trasformazioni avvenute nell’economia e nella società meridionale. A questi cambiamenti, non ha corrisposto un’analoga evoluzione delle condizioni relative del Mezzogiorno rispetto ai progressi compiuti dal Centro-Nord. La storia unitaria è stata connotata da un fenomeno di divergenza tra le due macroaree italiane, che solo durante la golden age hanno conosciuto un significativo avvicinamento, con una sostanziale riduzione del divario. Le vicende del periodo più recente hanno restituito al territorio meridionale, privato anche dell'intervento straordinario, la sua disparità, allontanandolo dall’obiettivo della convergenza. La Cassa per il Mezzogiorno ha rappresentato, dunque, il principale strumento per lo sviluppo del Sud, se si considera il complesso delle sue attività, che hanno operato con efficacia durante il "miracolo economico". Con la fine dell'intervento straordinario, la "questione meridionale", da grande tema di carattere nazionale, ha lasciato il passo a una visione frammentaria e priva di idee strategiche per il Mezzogiorno. Nell'ultima fase, poi, è emerso un nuovo ostacolo, costituito dal sorgere di una "questione settentrionale", scaturita dell'esigenza di una diffusa ripresa di iniziativa economica da parte delle categorie produttive del Nord. Questa spinta ha comportato il passaggio a nuove politiche, i cui esiti, però, hanno fatto rimpiangere il periodo più produttivo della Cassa e hanno riproposto con forza il dualismo economico italiano.
Le origini e l'evoluzione del divario Nord-Sud
LEPORE, Amedeo
The analysis concerning the origins of the Southern gap, without forgetting the significant differences within the opinions on its causes, allowed to clarify that the “Southern question”, i.e. the chronic inequality in the development of Italy’s two halves, became systematic after the Unification and during the industrial development of the country. The arrear plaguing Southern regions was not due, in fact, only to their general inferiority when compared with the rest of Italy, but also to the structural gap between Northern and Southern Italy, which became all the more significant as the country improved and updated its productive means, sporting a dual mode of development. However, during a century and a half, the society and economy of Southern Italy have undergone evident transformations. These changes were not backed by an evolution of Southern Italy’s situation as the one carrying itself out in the Northern half of the country. The whole history of united Italy featured a divergence between the two macroareas of Italy, which experienced a meaningful rapprochement and an effective bridging of their gap only during the golden age. The more recent events gave back to Southern Italy, now bereft of extraordinary interventions as well, its inequality gap, leading it away from the goal of convergence. Therefore, the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno has been the main tool for the development of Southern Italy, especially when taking into consideration the whole range of its activities, operating effectively during the years of the “economic miracle”. With the end of the extraordinary interventions, the “Southern question”, until then tackled as an important, nationwide theme, was replaced by a fragmented vision for Southern Italy, lacking strategic ideas for this area and its main issues. During the latter years, a new obstacle emerged in the form of a “Northern question”, born of the need for an effective revival of economic initiative by productive categories in Northern Italy. Such a move triggered a shift to new policies, whose outcomes could not compare with the more productive period of the Cassa and effectively brought the Italian economic dualism to the fore again.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.