Educating for citizenship in a contemporary sense, means sub- stantiate a pedagogical quality of “presence” that is a condition for preparing to exist in a “dancing” form and prepare for the “open- ness” and “plasticity” necessary for the process of living, reframing the concept of identity as crossing and incorporating difference. This crossing is also proposed here as a pedagogical figure to be recovered in order to structure a project related to the educational spaces and professions of a community and its territory that recov- ers dance practice as a matrix of educational action. This crossing is also proposed here as a pedagogical figure to be recovered in order to structure a project related to the educational spaces and professions of a community and its territory that recovers dance practice as a matrix of educational action. Reflecting and working on these goals means rethinking cities as permanently active edu- cational spaces on their own pedagogical quality and legitimizing plasticity as a paradigm and strategy of caring for Care. Forming and educating themself to difference is identified as a “corpus” (Nancy, 2014) of an approach that resonates (Rosa, 2020) with what is then traced by the explicit assumptions, typical of an inter- cultural, gender and special pedagogy. In terms of the pedagogical quality “embedded” in the practice of the dancer, the paper pro- poses a reflection to rethink the human relationship in terms of a global re-evaluation of the emotional space of the body, as a unique and for each one different place of communication with the world, and as a “way” to give space to each body/person in its singular- plural being (Nancy, 1996/2001) and incomplete (Veca, 2011).
Formare e formarsi in senso contemporaneo alla cittadinanza si-gnifica sostanziare una qualità pedagogica della “presenza”che è con-dizione per preparare all’esistere in forma “danzante”e a quella “aper-tura”e “plasticità”necessarie al processo del vivere, ridisegnando il concetto stesso di identità come attraversamento e incorporazione dell’Altro. Questo attraversamento viene proposto qui anche come cifra pedagogica da recuperare per strutturare un progetto relativo agli spazi e alle professioni educative di una comunità e del suo territorio che recuperano la pratica danzante come matrice dell’agire educativo. Riflettere e lavorare su questi obiettivi significa ripensare le città come spazi educativi attivi in maniera permanente sulla loro stessa qualitàpedagogica e legittimare la plasticità come paradigma e strategia del prendersi cura della Cura. Formare e formarsi all’incontro è indivi-duato come “corpus”(Nancy, 2014) di un approccio che risuona(Rosa, 2020) con quanto poi tracciato dagli assunti espliciti, propri di una pedagogia interculturale, di genere e speciale. In termini di qualità pedagogica “incorporata”nella pratica del danzante, lo scritto pro-pone una riflessione per ripensare la relazione umana nei termini di una rivalutazione globale delsentire, dello spazio emotivo del corpo, come luogo unico e per ognuno diverso, di comunicazione con il mondo, e come “via”per dare spazio a ogni corpo-persona nel suo essere singolare-plurale(Nancy, 1996/2001) e incompleto(Veca, 2011). *Lo scritto è frutto del lavoro comune delle autrici. Vanno attribuiti a Maria D’Ambrosioi §§1 e 5 e a Enrica Spadai §§2, 3 e 4.
La danza del vivere. Matrici pedagogiche del farsi differente.
Educating for citizenship in a contemporary sense, means sub- stantiate a pedagogical quality of “presence” that is a condition for preparing to exist in a “dancing” form and prepare for the “open- ness” and “plasticity” necessary for the process of living, reframing the concept of identity as crossing and incorporating difference. This crossing is also proposed here as a pedagogical figure to be recovered in order to structure a project related to the educational spaces and professions of a community and its territory that recov- ers dance practice as a matrix of educational action. This crossing is also proposed here as a pedagogical figure to be recovered in order to structure a project related to the educational spaces and professions of a community and its territory that recovers dance practice as a matrix of educational action. Reflecting and working on these goals means rethinking cities as permanently active edu- cational spaces on their own pedagogical quality and legitimizing plasticity as a paradigm and strategy of caring for Care. Forming and educating themself to difference is identified as a “corpus” (Nancy, 2014) of an approach that resonates (Rosa, 2020) with what is then traced by the explicit assumptions, typical of an inter- cultural, gender and special pedagogy. In terms of the pedagogical quality “embedded” in the practice of the dancer, the paper pro- poses a reflection to rethink the human relationship in terms of a global re-evaluation of the emotional space of the body, as a unique and for each one different place of communication with the world, and as a “way” to give space to each body/person in its singular- plural being (Nancy, 1996/2001) and incomplete (Veca, 2011).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.