GAETA, Maria Cristina
GAETA, Maria Cristina
Scienze Giuridiche
Artifical Intelligence and Civil Liability in the light of the AI Act Proposal
2021-01-01 Gaeta, M. C.
Automatisiertes Fahren – Europäisches Haftungsrecht
2022-01-01 Gaeta, M. C.
Automazione e responsabilità civile automobilistica
2016-01-01 Gaeta, M. C.
Autonomous Vehicles and Civil Liability in a Global Perspective. Liability Law study across the world in relation to SAE J3016 Standard for Driving Automation
2024-01-01 Steege, H.; Caggiano, I. A.; Gaeta, M. C.; Von Bodungen, B.
BCI devices and their legal compliance: A prototype tool for its evaluation and measurement
2022-01-01 Gatt, L.; Caggiano, I. A.; Gaeta, M. C.; Mollo, A. A.
BCI devices and their legal compliance: A prototype tool for its evaluation and measurement
2022-01-01 Gatt, Lucilla; Caggiano, Ilaria Amelia; Gaeta, Maria Cristina; Mollo, ANNA ANITA
BCI devices and their legal compliance: a prototype tool for its evaluation and measurement
2023-01-01 Gatt, L.; Caggiano, I. A.; Gaeta, M. C.; Mollo, A. A.
Costruire una nuova strategia per un diritto europeo protettivo in ambiente digitale. - . Building a new strategy for European Protection Law in a Technological Environment.
2023-01-01 Gatt, Lucilla; Gaeta, Maria Cristina
Data Investment: the issue of the merchantability of the personal data and the limits to exercise the right to data portability by delegated powers
2022-01-01 Gaeta, M. C.
Data Management
2019-01-01 Gaeta, M. C.; Russo, V.
Data protection and self-driving cars: the consent to the processing of personal data in compliance with GDPR
2019-01-01 Gaeta, Mc
Data protection in the e-commerce field
2020-01-01 Gaeta, Mc
Do you know that cars can process your personal data?
2020-01-01 Gaeta, Mc; Gatt, Lucilla; Caggiano, Ilaria Amelia; Reed, Chris; Ni Loideain., Nóra
From human being to cyborg. National Cases on Human Embryos and the EU Court of Justice: from artificial procreation to human enhancement in the era of transhumanism. Jean Monnet Chair PROTECH, “European Protection Law of Individuals in Relation to New Technologies” 3 rd International Workshop A.Y. 2021-2022
2023-01-01 Aulino, Livia; Gaeta, M. C.
Green and Sustainable Mobility in Road Transport: How Private Law Can Guarantee the Right Balance between Environmentally Sustainable Development and Digital Transformation
2023-01-01 Gaeta, M. C.
Hard law and soft law on data protection: What a DPO should know to better perform his or her tasks
2019-01-01 Gaeta, M. C.
Il bilanciamento tra paternità biologica e legame genitoriale nell’azione di disconoscimento di paternità.
2017-01-01 Gaeta, Mc
Il Decreto “ponte” per la costituzione delle unioni civili
2016-01-01 Gaeta, Mc
Il problema della tutela giuridica della natura: un’analisi comparata tra Italia e Stati dell’America Latina
2020-01-01 Gaeta, M. C.
Il ruolo del Presidente del Tribunale nella procedura di negoziazione assistita alla luce della funzione di c.d. degiurisdizionalizzazione del decreto giustizia.
2017-01-01 Gaeta, Mc